Saturday, August 23, 2008

stupid rain

Never ending rain makes me depressed. It seems it's making me start re-evaluating my life. Or maybe that's just what I'm doing anyways. It's hard to not know where I'm going but at the same time to know I'm not going anywhere. I start questioning why I signed up for grad school - start trying to remember what was my point. I guess it'll come later, in ten years I certainly wouldn't want to go back so I mine as well get it out of the way. When there are questions that can't be answered I tend to dwell on them and drive myself crazy. But really I just need to live in the now - stop questioning and be okay with today.

Why don't we wear rain boots here? They sell them at the store but I've never seen them on anyone. And it makes sense - we all keep wearing our flip flops out in the rain and today my feet got soaked. I think maybe I'll start the rain boot trend. I saw some cute polka dot ones on sale at target.

The best thing happened this morning at the bank - apparently you can get check cards with a pretty design on them, and they had a cute hello kitty one!! It should be here within 3-5 days. I can't wait to see it!

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