Sunday, August 24, 2008

So excited for this week.

Ten things to look forward to this week:

1. Tuesday night dinner with the besties.
2. No fake out hurricane tropical storm annoyance.
3. Sex and the City at the dollar theater.
4. First UCF game of the season this Saturday!!!
5. Heading to Palm City to see the family on Sunday.
6. Hello Kitty checkcard coming my way.
7. The library will be open so I can get some books - a plan that was ruined last week by stupid fake hurricane.
8. Brian starts school again on Tuesday night.
9. I'll get to see my grampa and my niece over the weekend, two of my favoritest people on the planet.
10. Cici is having her baby on Thursday. That means on Friday I'll finally get to meet Baby Landon. I'm sooooo excited.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I need to be inspired.

My shopping wish list:

I have a very long shopping wish list right now. Since I haven't been purchasing much lately the list just keeps growing.

Louis Vuitton Damier Speedy. I'm saving and saving and picking up every penny I see in the street for this beautiful baby. Honestly this will be mine. I will cherish it forever and one day pass it on to my daughter and it will be an amazing day.

Tall black boots - these are a necessity. I've been looking for good black boots for about a year and a half now - I hate the way every pair I've ever tried on looks. I love these ones though only problem is I found them online. I'll totally take my chances though.

Juicy Couture bangles. Juicy is usually one of the brands I love to hate. I hate the idea that track suits are an acceptable outfit and they've heavily capitalized on that. Everytime I walk into their store I'm reminded of teenage Boca Jappy girls. But nevertheless I covet these bracelets. I love bangles and the black and gold one reminds me of the CC Skye bracelet I love. But much slimmer and much more in my price range. And of course the matching earrings are a must.

Hard case wallets seem to be getting really trendy. this one is adorable because hello I love polka dots.

This necklace is so adorable - and actually it's super cheap. Haven't decided yet if I'll actually wear it though and thus whether I should purchase it .

I love coats and jackets- it's a shame I live in FL and only get to bust them out 2 weeks in a year. Plus I love mustard yellow.

stupid rain

Never ending rain makes me depressed. It seems it's making me start re-evaluating my life. Or maybe that's just what I'm doing anyways. It's hard to not know where I'm going but at the same time to know I'm not going anywhere. I start questioning why I signed up for grad school - start trying to remember what was my point. I guess it'll come later, in ten years I certainly wouldn't want to go back so I mine as well get it out of the way. When there are questions that can't be answered I tend to dwell on them and drive myself crazy. But really I just need to live in the now - stop questioning and be okay with today.

Why don't we wear rain boots here? They sell them at the store but I've never seen them on anyone. And it makes sense - we all keep wearing our flip flops out in the rain and today my feet got soaked. I think maybe I'll start the rain boot trend. I saw some cute polka dot ones on sale at target.

The best thing happened this morning at the bank - apparently you can get check cards with a pretty design on them, and they had a cute hello kitty one!! It should be here within 3-5 days. I can't wait to see it!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Worst Blogger ever...

  • I'm really into the olympics. It's surprising since I don't sport. I cried for Nastia when she got silver on the uneven bars and then I cried the next night when Shawn Johnson got gold. I didn't cry for Lolo but I felt pretty bad about her loss. Oh and I don't like that Jamaican guy - he reminds me of Kanye West. Barf.
  • My guilty pleasure show, Greek, is coming back in a few weeks - can't wait.
  • UCF Football starts soon - heck yes. The day after that we're going to Palm City to visit the fam. I can't wait to see my Julia Eve.
  • I think one of my co-workers is looking for me to quit my job...very strange. I'm not going anywhere though.
  • I think I should be a life coach - people give me money and I write them a list of what to do to fix everything. I'd make millions, and then Oprah would want me on her show (like dr. phil) but I'd be all heck no I'm going to Ellen. And then Ellen and I would hang out and I'd be all omg loved your wedding pics you and Portia were glowing!
  • I wake up at least once a week screaming about there being a spider in my bed. I need to look that up in a dream book.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

and i'd help them bury a body if i had to.

Needless to say that I have the two best bffs in the world. Today we were reunited and it was such an awesome day. Both of them are the two strongest most amazing people I have ever met. And today one of them blew my mind. I am so proud of my Ricky. And so happy for the weight that has been lifted off his shoulders. A new chapter begins - and it's going to be a wonderful one.

My besties are extraordinary.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Landon's quilt...

Okay here's the final result of my Martha project for Baby Landon. It's not perfect but a good first attempt at a quilt. Hopefully I'll get better with time. I hope Baby Landon likes it!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm a really bad blogger. But today something funny happened and I actually thought, that'd be a good blog post. So here goes...

We've been having some copier troubles this week, and so on Tuesday I had the service man come out. I always like calling the copier service people. They are friendly and come out quickly which never happens with repair people. Also, our copier man is the cutest guy I've ever seen. If I ever wrote a novel he would be the main character. He's balding and has mousy poufy hair and big thick glasses. He always smells like old cigarette smoke. He's a bit short and has a round belly and always wears short sleeve dress shirts with black pants. He has a big suitcase that has all his copier tools in it and he is very serious about fixing copy machines. He even made me a list once of all the proper supplies I'd need to keep in stock for our machines to ensure we wouldn't run out of any toner, ever. Point being, I love him. So I was very sad on Tuesday when he wasn't the guy who came out to fix things. The man who came was nice and definitely smelled better but I just wasn't as excited when I walked up front to greet him. Luckily, he did a bad job and made the copier dirty so I had to call again today for another service call. And it was my lucky day because our normal service guy came!! He came when I was on lunch and just showed himself back to the workroom( I love some self sufficiency in a repair person) and by the time I walked by he had his whole suitcase out and laptop and was vacuuming out the machine (seriously!!). I didn't see him though so I went to my desk and started working. A couple minutes later I was walking down the hall and I saw him - he had a new mustache! But it was a hitler mustache!!!! And I was so disappointed, this was a serious conflict of interest. He most certainly couldn't be my favorite service man if he was a nazi! I waved hello from a far and kept on my way. About 30 minutes later I went into the workroom to get something I needed and asked him how things were going. He looked up from the copier and said it was good and he would be done soon. That's when I noticed it wasn't a mustache but rather copier toner on his face. Moral of the story: He is SO my favorite service man and I think I'll start jotting down notes for that book.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I don't know if you're all aware, but a super serious artist did a portrait of me the other day. I'm the blue and the green is my sister.

Monday, June 30, 2008

danamite rants....

Teen pregnancy is all the rage these days. Now let me start by saying, I loved Juno. It was straight up adorable. And I liked the message, things like that can happen to anyone and you can take the situation and make the best of it. They showed different solutions and Juno picked the one she felt right with. Good stuff. But then came Jamie-Lynn Spears, and now there's The Baby Borrowers and My life as an American Teenager. All these things seem to be glorifying teenage pregnancy. For the record, I'm over it. How can teenagers understand the true scope of being a parent by watching an hour long sitcom or through photos of a spoiled celebrity endlessly shopping for cute baby clothes? There needs to be a shift in society, raising children is hard. And children born to teen mothers have a much higher chance of being teen parents themselves.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

welcome back olymipics

Brian and I both like to watch the Olypmics....for very different reasons.

bubbles bubbles everywhere but not a drop to drink.

Good news:
1. My digital camera works. I thought it was broken since well, Easter. But turns out it is not. Imagine all the memories I've missed out on taking pictures of, I need some full-scale re-enactments.
2. We found a new Mexican Restaurant today that was really good. In fact, it was FLANtastic. Also hit up our old standby Yabi on Friday night. I'm the chopstick queen. I can't figure out if the waitresses realize we've been there at least once every week for the past 3 months or if they just smile at everyone that way.
3. The BFF comes back from NYC today - my heart will be full again. Other BFF leaves for Europe tomorrow. Sad face.

The other day this girl at work fell down the stairs. It was hilarious because I know for a fact that she did it about 6 months ago. Except last time it was on the bottom step so she only bruised ego. This time it was from the top step and now she looks gnarly. Do dudes dig scars? I can't wait... I mean she can't wait until everything heals up - it's too hot out to keep wearing pants.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Too many familiar faces in the playroom this week. It shouldn't be that way.

If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children; and if they will grow up in their natural innocence, we won't have to struggle; we won't have to pass fruitless idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace and love for which consciously or unconsciously the whole world is hungering.

...Ghandi knew what was up.

Time to get my Martha Stewart on. I have lots of crafty things to do this weekend.
Sonic HotDog was so happy to see us. Unfortunately we don't frequent the Sonic for cold drinks, so we headed down the road to T. Smooth for real tropical treats. I will say he has some serious talent -look at that pose!